
Unfrosted Movie Filmy4wap

Filmy4wap : Saturday, 18 May 2024 | 10:52 AM

Unfrosted is an exciting Comedy film directed by Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, Barry Marder, and Andy Robin penned the script, and the movie was brought to life by producers Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, and Beau Bauman. It falls under the umbrella of Columbus 81 Productions. The movie hit the screens on 2 May 2024 and runs for a gripping 1 hour and 33 minutes.

Unfrosted Movie Overview

Movie NameUnfrosted
Original LanguageEnglish
Spoken LanguageEnglish
Release Date2 May 2024
Runtime1 hour and 33 minutes
CountryUnited States of America
WriterJerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, Barry Marder, and Andy Robin
DirectorJerry Seinfeld
ProducerJerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, and Beau Bauman
EditorEvan Henke
MusicChristophe Beck
CinematographyBill Pope
ScreenplayJerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, Barry Marder, and Andy Robin
Production Co.Columbus 81 Productions

Unfrosted Movie Cast

Actor NameCharacter Name
Jerry SeinfeldBob Cabana
Melissa McCarthyDonna Stankowski
Jim GaffiganEdsel Kellogg III
Hugh GrantThurl Ravenscroft
Amy SchumerMarjorie Post
James MarsdenJack LaLanne
Dean Norris
Jon Hamm
Maria Bakalova
Jack McBrayerSteve Schwinn
Thomas Lennon
Adrian Martinez
Bobby MoynihanChef Boyardee
Max GreenfieldRick Ludwin
Christian SlaterMike Diamond
Sarah Cooper
Dan Levy
Bill BurrJohn F. Kennedy
Peter Dinklage
Fred ArmisenMike Puntz
Andy DalyIsiah Lamb
Rachael HarrisAna Cabana
Isaac BaeGeorge

Unfrosted Movie Story

Original Story: In a time when milk and cereal ruled breakfast, a fierce corporate battle begins over a revolutionary new pastry.

Unfrosted Movie Rating

Jerry Seinfeld directed Unfrosted Movie, produced by Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, and Beau Bauman. This collaborative effort falls under the banners of Columbus 81 Productions in United States of America. With a rating of 5.2 rating out of 10, based on 62 votes, this Comedy film stands out as a noteworthy addition to the world of cinema.

Unfrosted Movie Review

Unfrosted proves to be a captivating cinematic experience within the realms of Comedy genre. Helmed by director Jerry Seinfeld and produced by Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, and Beau Bauman under the banners of Columbus 81 Productions, this film unfolds its narrative in United States of America, predominantly in English.

Delving into the intricacies of life and love, Unfrosted Movie takes its audience on a compelling journey filled with unexpected twists. The narrative serves as a roller-coaster ride, evoking laughter, tears, and contemplation about the complexities of human relationships.

In summary, Unfrosted Movie is a must-watch for enthusiasts of thought-provoking Comedy genre. It masterfully depicts the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring strength of love. With a captivating plot, outstanding performances, and impressive production values, this film emerges as a true cinematic gem.

FAQs about Unfrosted Movie

Q: Who is the director of the Unfrosted movie?

Ans: Jerry Seinfeld directed the Unfrosted movie.

Q: What is the genre of the Unfrosted movie?

Ans: Unfrosted movie falls into the genre of Comedy.

Q: What is the release date of the Unfrosted movie?

Ans: Unfrosted movie was released on 2 May 2024.

Q: What is the running time or duration of the Unfrosted movie?

Ans: Unfrosted movie has a running time of 1 hour and 33 minutes.

Q: Who wrote Unfrosted Movie?

Ans: Unfrosted movie is written by Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, Barry Marder, and Andy Robin.

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All Images Credit - TMDB